postal service

Topical Term
postal service

Friends in the mail

On a trip to the post office to mail a present to her grandfather, Katie learns all about how the mail works.
Cover image of Friends in the mail

Postal workers

then and now
Examines the history of the postal service in America and how postal workers' jobs have changed throughout its history.
Cover image of Postal workers

Off like the wind!

the first ride of the pony express
An illustrated history of the Pony Express, the riders carried the mail from Missouri to California, and the dangers they encountered.
Cover image of Off like the wind!

The lettuce leaf birthday letter

A forgetful mailrabbit tries to deliver a birthday greeting to several wrong animals before he finds the right one, but he seems to make his customers happy wherever he goes.
Cover image of The lettuce leaf birthday letter

Island birthday

As Alex anxiously awaits the plane that will bring a birthday present from his grandmother, he goes visiting in his island community and discovers that others are at least as eager for the storm to clear so that they can get items they need or want.
Cover image of Island birthday

Horrible Harry and the dead letters

Harry and Doug investigate when special bookmarks begin to disappear while their class is busy studying poetry and running their own post office.
Cover image of Horrible Harry and the dead letters

My Walk Home

A boy and his dad walk past a doctor's office, a post office, a library, and a barber shop.
Cover image of My Walk Home

Careers for the 21st century video library

Explores eight human service jobs and lists typical job duties and identifies where and how to receive the necessary education and training.

Postal workers

Presents an introduction to postal workers, in simple text with illustrations, describing how the collect, sort, and deliver mail.

You wouldn't want to be a Pony Express rider!

a dusty, thankless job you'd rather not do
Describes the disadvantages to being a Pony Express rider, including riding in all weather, natural disasters, and disease.


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