religious biography

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religious biography

Encyclopedia of American religious history

Contains entries that provide information on notable people, topics, and events in the history of religion in America,arranged alphabetically from A to E.
Cover image of Encyclopedia of American religious history

The rivers of paradise

Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad as religious founders
Explores the lives of five founders of world religions, including Moses, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, and Muhammad, discussing what is known about each of the men, and considering his influence on the time in which he lived.
Cover image of The rivers of paradise

Wake up

a life of the buddha
A retelling of the story of Prince Siddartha Gotama, a young man who abandoned his family and comfortable life to embark on a lifelong search for enlightenment.

The soul of a butterfly

reflections on life's journey
Champion boxer Muhammad Ali describes the spiritual values that have guided him throughout his life from his childhood to the present and have helped him battle his physical illness. He reflects on his Islamic faith, his meeting with the Dalai Lama, and his journey to Afghanistan to help the country's desperate situation.

Christmas miracles

magical true stories of modern-day miracles
Presents thirty-two true stories of modern-day miracles that occurred on or near Christmas Day.


the passions, torments, and murder of atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Chronicles the life of famous atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair, whose 1963 Supreme Court case banned prayer in schools, and tells the story of her kidnapping and murder alongside her son and granddaughter, also providing details on the early life of their killer, David Waters.

Companions along the way

Where have all the heroes gone? This engrossing book presents fascinating profiles of twenty men and women whose lives stand as testimonials to that enduring effort and act as effective inspiration to contemporary readers- "Companions Along the Way.".

To a dancing God

notes of a spiritual traveler
Exile and homecoming.--Education for serendipity.--Reflections on a peach-seed monkey or storytelling and the death of God.--Diary of a jubilee year.--The importance of being carnal; notes for a visceral theology.

Called out of darkness

a spiritual confession
Anne Rice reflects on her life, focusing on her religious transitions which went from Catholicism to atheism and back to Catholicism, but also discussing her childhood, years in Berkeley, writing career, family, and other related topics.


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