Hest, Amy

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Where in the world is the perfect family?

Complications in twelve-year-old Cornie's life, among them divorced parents and a new baby half-sister, help Cornie and her best friend Megan find a theme for the school photojournalism project.

Ruby's storm

On a stormy spring day, Ruby makes her way through the city to visit her grandfather.

Maybe next year

Kate, who lives with her grandmother on Manhattan's Upper West Side, wants to be a ballet dancer, but when her dancing comes into conflict with her home life, she begins to wonder where her commitment really lies.

Off to school, Baby Duck!

Baby Duck experiences the fear of the first day of school, but with a little help from Grampa, everything turns out okay in the end.

You can swim, Baby Duck!

Baby Duck's reluctance to get into the pool with the swim team is overcome with a little encouragement from her grandfather.

Kiss good night

Even after a story, being tucked in, and warm milk, Sam is not ready to go to sleep until his mother kisses him good-night.

Love you, soldier

Katie, a Jewish girl living in New York City during World War II, sees many dynamic changes in her world as she ages from seven to ten waiting for her father to return from the war.

Weekend girl

When her parents go away for the weekend, Sophie enjoys sharing her grandfather's hobby and her grandmother's picnic while she stays with them in New York City.

Where's My Hug?

Originally Published as Don't You Feel Well, Sam?
When Sam has a cough, Mrs. Bear tends to him all through the cold night.

Pete & Lily

When Pete's widowed mother starts dating Lily's divorced father, the two girls decide they need to control the situation.


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