Hillert, Margaret

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Little Puff

"Tired of working alone, a little train jumps off the track in search of companionship and ends up at the zoo, where it gives rides and makes people happy"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Little Puff

Margaret Hillert's The little cowboy and the big cowboy

A little cowboy and his father ride horses, round up cattle, mend a fence, practice roping, cook over a campfire, and sleep outdoors in their sleeping bags. Includes reading activities and a word list.
Cover image of Margaret Hillert's The little cowboy and the big cowboy

Let's have a play

"On a rainy day, two children decide to make paper-bag puppets and put on a play for themselves and their parents"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Let's have a play

I like things

"A young girl likes to collect and sort objects such as buttons, rocks and stamps. She arranges objects by color, shape or size and shares in the fun with her parents and friends.
Cover image of I like things

A house for Little Red

A boy plays with his dog and provides a house for him. Includes reading activities and a word list.
Cover image of A house for Little Red

The funny ride

"When her kite lifts her above the ground, a child takes a 'funny ride' as she views what is on the ground and in the air. Includes reading activities and a word list"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The funny ride

Come play with me

"A collection of short poems for beginning readers on play-time topics such as pets, friends, family and fantasy"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Come play with me

City fun

"Two friends explore a city by watching construction, riding the subway, going to a park, seeing a parade and visiting the library"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of City fun

The birthday car

"A boy receives a new red play car for his birthday and shares riding in it with his friends."--Publisher.
Cover image of The birthday car

Away go the boats

During her bath a young girl takes an imaginary ocean voyage to a tropical island.
Cover image of Away go the boats


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