forging a new social contract for the future of America
Myers, Dowell
Provides a demographic point of view on the issue of immigration in the United States, contending that lowering the average age by allowing immigrants to work in America will help the country economically and culturally.
Profiles the United States from an economic perspective, covering topics such as the environment, government, population, trade and industry. Examines information about industrial development, education and health.
the Civil War and the social revolution that transformed the South
Levine, Bruce C.
In this history of the Civil War, Bruce Levine tells the story of how that conflict upended the economic, political, and social life of the old South, utterly destroying the Confederacy and the society it represented and defended.
Examines the crucial role food played in the Civil War, describing how the North mobilized its agricultural resources to feed its civilians and soldiers while people in the South were starving, leading to an agricultural divide that is still felt in the twenty-first century.
A selection of original documents and other source materials that provide information about key issues related to the Revolution and Counter-Revolution which took place in Russia between 1917 and 1924.
Presents opposing views on issues related to population growth. Examines whether there is a population problem and debates the impact of population growth on the environment, world hunger, and humanity's survival. Considers the effects of immigration on America's population as well as the legitimacy of population control policies.
Queen Elizabeth I, her pirate adventurers, and the dawn of empire
Ronald, Susan
Draws from historical records and numerous personal letters between Queen Elizabeth I and others to tell the story of the "Pirate Queen" and her merchant adventurers who terrorized the seas and helped build an empire.