My first rodeo

Compare Series: 

Chuckwagon racing

Readers learn the history of chuckwagon racing and more!.

Bareback riding

Introduces readers to the history and rules of bareback riding.

Bull riding

Readers learn the history of bull riding events and more!.

Barrel racing

My First Rodeo introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of the rodeo.

Tie-down roping

Did you know that the first tie-down roping events were held in the 1800s? They were friendly contests between cowboys. Learn more in Tie-Down Roping.

Bull riding

Introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of bull riding at the rodeo.

Tie-down roping

Introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of calf roping at the rodeo.

Chuckwagon racing

Introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of chuckwagon racing at the rodeo.

Barrel racing

Introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of barrel racing at the rodeo.

Bareback riding

Introduces readers to the rules, excitement, and tradition of bareback riding at the rodeo.
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