
Topical Term

The cold war

Briefly discusses the differences between the superpowers, conflicts, and new alignments.

The Cuban missile crisis

Provides an account of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 from both the U.S. and Soviet perspectives, looking at the factors that led to the crisis, and discussing how the dangerous situation was defused.
Cover image of The Cuban missile crisis

Brave new world

the cold war begins
Tracks the building tension over ideology between Soviet and American superpowers in the post-war world till the early 1960s. (60 min.).

The Cold War

second series
Describes global political, economic, social, and cultural events of the post-World War II period.

World War II

Presents main themes in twentieth-century life, including military confrontations, booms and depressions, political ideologies, and technological developments.

The lost peace

leadership in a time of horror and hope, 1945-1953
Includes: Winston Churchill; Mao Tse-tung; Douglas Mac Arthur; Vyacheslav Molotov; Dean Acheson; James Byrnes; Chiang Kai-shek; Charles de Gaulle; Dwight Eisenhower; Adolf Hitler; George Kennan; Kim Il Sung; Syngman Rhee; Franklin Roosevelt; Joseph Stalin; Harry Truman.

The Cold War reference guide

a general history and annotated chronology, with selected biographies
Provides an overview of the Cold War, identifying the major issues and events; offers an in-depth discussion of some of the conflict's more significant developments; features an annotated chronology of events; and includes biographies of American figures and biographical sketches of international leaders.

The crisis years

Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-1963
The relationship between Kennedy and Khrushchev and its impact on the Cold War.

The story of the cold war

Presents a history of the tense, often combative, relations between western canpitalist and eastern socialist countries during the period following World War II.

Forging the alliance

NATO 1945-1950
On jacket: The birth of the NATO treaty and the dramatic transformation of U.S. foreign policy between 1945 and 1950.


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