agricultural ecology

Topical Term
agricultural ecology

The farm as natural habitat

reconnecting food systems with ecosystems
A collection of essays that offer a unique alternative to conventional agriculture that explains how farming can produce healthful food and fully functioning ecosystems with populations of native species.

The impact of food and farming

"Modern farming allows us to buy almost any kind of food at any time of the year. But this convenience comes at a cost. This . . . book shows how we can farm and grow food without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are investigating ways to prevent the problems modern farming creates, including pollution from chemicals used for growing crops, clear cutting of rainforests to makespace for grazing and farmland, and contributing to climate change by breeding more and more livestock. Useful suggestions encourage readers to find ways to reduce their food waste and packaging"--Provided by publisher.

What if there were no bees?

a book about the grassland ecosystem
Focusing on the value of biodiversity and preservation, this book explains what would happen to a grassland ecosystem if bees disappeared.
Cover image of What if there were no bees?

Bread, wine, chocolate

the slow loss of foods we love
"'Bread, Wine, Chocolate'--part journey to six continents in pursuit of delicious and endangered tastes, part investigation of the loss of biodiversity from soil to plate--tells the story of what we are losing, how we are losing it, and the inspiring people and places that are briging back the foods we love"--Dust jacket.

Chasing the red queen

the evolutionary race between agricultural pests and poisons
Explores pesticide resistance and how evolutionary biology is being used in agriculture.

The fatal harvest reader

the tragedy of industrial agriculture
Examines what the author calls the corporate lies, or myths of industrial agriculture, and features over thirty essays in which the authors examine the industrial agricultural system and its negative impact on the environment, human health, and farm communities; and discuss the possibility of an organic food future.

Fatal harvest

the tragedy of industrial agriculture
Discuses the ecological and social consequences of industrialization on the world's food supply, charging that the industrial model of food production is harmful to nature, biodiversity, farmers, and consumers, and describes a specific vision for the future of agriculture based on organic methods.

Feeding the people

Examines the world's food production in both developed and undeveloped countries, the technological advances in farming, irrigation practices, famines, and the use of chemicals verses organic farming.


Presents an exploration of a farmland habitat, looking at its plants, insects, birds, animals, and people, and the interactions among them.


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