Kahler, Katrina

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La traici?n

"Because of her mistake, Julia is sent home from the school camp which is devastating to say the least but she does not expect the aftermath that follows. Nor does she expect the sudden onslaught of emotions that erupt"--Google books.


"After Julia's latest revelation, she is forced to make a decision, one that she now struggles with. Who will she choose? Blake or Ky? When unforeseen circumstances impact her choice, even she doesn't know what will eventuate. Added to this, Julia discovers some news that leaves her reeling"--Amazon.


"Julia's dilemma over the special boys in her life lingers on, but she now has Emmie's support, and when Emmie decides to reveal her secrets, Julia soon discovers the reason for her odd behavior"--Amazon.


"Remmy continues to suffer from Sandy and her 'vampires' mean bullying. Amelia comes to the rescue and teaches Remmy some strategies to cope with her tormentors. She wants to tell her mom what is going on, but Sandy has manipulated the home situation and Remmy feels that she can't burden her mom with her problems"--OCLC.

La decisi?n

"Julia finally decides between Blake and Ky. But who will she choose? Will she pick the boy she is most suited for and destined to be with, or not? As well, she finds herself caught up in a dilemma of epic proportions where the choices of her friends impact her in more ways than she could ever have anticipated"--Amazon.
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