food chains (ecology)

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food chains (ecology)

What's on the food chain menu?

Introduces habitats and how they provide everything the creatures living in them need, and describes how different parts of the food chain, including producers, consumers--herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores--and decomposers contribute.


"A fundamental look at a common food chain in the ocean, starting with the microscopic plankton, ending with the killer whale, and introducing various animals in between"--Provided by publisher.


"A fundamental look at a common food chain in the desert, starting with the hardy mesquite tree, ending with the opportunistic coyote, and introducing various animals in between"--Provided by publisher.

Tunafish sandwiches

Pictures and brief text introduce the concept of a food chain from showing how tiny phytoplankton play a part in providing tuna for two children's tunafish sandwiches.

How ecosystems work

Introduces characteristics of animal ecosystems.

The food cycle

Describes the components of the food cycle: plants, plant eaters, meat eaters, and decomposers; discusses the balance of nature and factors, such as pollution and overfishing, that disrupt that balance; and includes a hands-on activity.

Wetland food chains

Provides an introduction to wetland ecosystems, explains what food chains are, follows the food chain in a wetland habitat from the sun, to plants, to herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, and scavengers, examines a wetland food web, and looks at threats to wetlands.

Tundra food chains

An introduction to food chains in the tundra, different animal and plant life, and how animals survive in tundra regions.

Seashore food chains

Presents a children's study of the life and cycles of a variety of plants and animals that inhabit the seashore, and examines the levels in the food chain including plants, animals that eat plants, and animals that eat other animals.

Prairie food chains

Presents an introduction to the chain of life on a prairie environment, including an explanation of what a prairie is, a definition of a food chain, and descriptions of the different plant and animal life that live on a prairie as well as how they survive.


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