academic writing

Topical Term
academic writing

Essays that will get you into college

A guide to writing college admissions essays that reveals what college admissions officials are looking for and offers tips and strategies for planning and writing the perfect essay.

Essays that will get you into college

Contains fifty model essays written by successful college applicants, and includes critical comments that highlight their strengths and weaknesses, as well as advice on composing a winning essay application.

A short guide to writing about history

Offers advice for students on writing about history, and includes an overview of the writing process with sample essays and assignments; and discussing analysis, style, quotations, sources, and other related topics.

Best college admission essays

Presents fifty sample college admission essays, essay writing guidance, and advice from admissions officials.

Micro lessons in writing

Provides seventy-five mini-lessons for teaching writing, covering creating an encouraging environment, prewriting, conferences, composing, revising, editing, and publishing.

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations

Chicago style for students and researchers
A guide to writing research papers, theses, and dissertations that addresses planning, finding and using sources, drafting, including tables and figures, revisions, citation practices, spelling, and the correct use of punctuation, names, terms, titles of works, numbers, abbreviations, and quotations. Includes format and submission requirements.

A guide to MLA documentation

with an appendix on APA style
Defines the Modern Language Association guidelines for documentation in research papers, with examples and tips on note taking, summarizing, incorporating questions, paraphrasing, and ways to avoid plagiarism; and includes an appendix on APA style, along with a list of publisher abbreviations and a sample outline and research paper.

MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing

Contains updated information on all aspects of scholarly publishing including writing texts, documenting research sources, submitting manuscripts, and handling legal issues regarding publication. Features guidelines on preparing electronic data and provides an overview of the process of electronic submission of a dissertation.


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