
Topical Term

First light, first life

a worldwide creation story
The author draws from a variety of folk traditions to put together the story of creation, including elements from many cultures.

Trespassing on Einstein's lawn

a father, a daughter, the meaning of nothing, and the beginning of everything
Amanda Gefter discusses her path to becoming a physics writer, beginning with the time she snuck into a conference that included some of the world's greatest scientific thinkers and her father.

Our improbable universe

a physicist considers how we got here
Physicist Dr. Michael Mallary summarizes the latest findings in cosmology and explains what they reveal about the creation of the universe.

The beginning

The Beginning brings an incredible story to life: the most astonishing history of the Universe. It is the story of who we are, where we are, and how we came to be here. It is the story of life itself. Beautifully illustrated throughout, and containing a wealth of factual information to complement extraordinary narrative, The Beginning will take you on a journey of wonder: from alien landscapes to "upside-down" continents, violent collisions, and mass extinction; from worms with jaws and pigs as big as men to saber-toothed cats and monstrous dinosaurs. A time when humans were the victims, not masters, of their world. Encounter history as you have never experienced it before.

About time

cosmology and culture at the twilight of the Big Bang
Explores how society changes along with people's understanding of the origin of the universe.

A universe from nothing

why there is something rather than nothing
Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss offers answers to basic philosophical questions, Where did our universe come from?, Why is there something rather than nothing?, and How is it all going to end?, and presents the evidence that explains how our universe evolved.
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