
Topical Term

Alice in charge

Along with the usual concerns of senior year in high school, Alice faces some very difficult situations, including vandalism by a group of Neo-Nazis and a friend's confession that a teacher has been taking advantage of her.
Cover image of Alice in charge

Recipe for hate

"A group of punk rockers in Portland, Maine investigates the murders of two of their friends, while fending off a local incursion of neo-Nazis"--OCLC.
Cover image of Recipe for hate

Romantic violence

memoirs of an American skinhead
At 14 years old, Christian Picciolini, a bright and well-loved child from a good family, had been targeted and trained to spread a violent racist agenda, quickly ascending to a highly visible leadership position in America's first neo-Nazi skinhead gang. Just how did this young boy from the suburbs of Chicago, who had so much going for him, become so lost in extremist ideologies that would horrify any decent person? 'Romantic Violence: Memoirs of an American Skinhead' is a poignant and gripping cautionary tale that details Christian's indoctrination when he was barely a teen, a lonely outsider who, more than anything, just wanted to belong. A fateful meeting with a charismatic man who recognized and took advantage of Christian's deep need for connection sent the next decade of his life into a dangerous spiral. When his mentor went to prison for a vicious hate crime, Christian stepped forward, and at 18, he was overseeing the most brutal extremist skinhead cells across the country. From fierce street brawls to drunken white power rallies, recruitment by foreign terrorist dictators to riotous white power rock music, Picciolini immersed himself in racist skinhead culture, hateful propaganda, and violence. Ultimately Christian began to see that his hate-filled life was built on lies. After years of battling the monster he created, he was able to reinvent himself. Picciolini went on to become an advocate for peace, inclusion, and racial diversity, co-founding the nonprofit Life After Hate, which helps people disengage from hate groups and to love themselves and accept others, regardless of skin color, religious belief, or sexual preference.
Cover image of Romantic violence


CIA analyst Caroline Carmichael, on the verge of retiring, is called back into action when the country suffers a terrorist attack mounted by the neo-Nazi 30 April organization, and her husband, a deep undercover agent formerly believed to be dead, is targeted by the CIA as one of the group's operatives.

Then they came for me

intolerance in modern Germany
An army of malcontents and right-wing extremists is growing in Germany. Signs of party abuses are re-occuring today. Will history be allowed to repeat itself?.

Code of the roadies

Fifteen-year-old computer whiz Jake Carson goes undercover as a roadie for the skinhead band Der Akt to try and break the bizarre hold the group's music has on its fans who break out in violent riots whenever the band begins to play.

The spider's web

Lexi's unhappy home life with an alcoholic mother drives her to join a neo-Nazi group, but eventually she discovers that her new friends thrive on hatred and destruction.

The voice of modern hatred

tracing the rise of neo-Fascism in Europe
Explores the events which led to the resurgence of extreme right-wing politics across Europe at the end of the twentieth century.

Code of deception

Fifteen-year-old Jake Carson breaks the code on a mysterious computer disk and stumbles onto a drug trafficking scheme run by armed and dangerous neo-Nazis.

Code of deception

TechA fifteen=year-old Austrlian boy gets caught up in a web of crime adn intrigue when he finds a comptuer disk linking him to a drug ring and a former Nazi's revenge.


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