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Pros and cons

vaccine mandates
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into the highly debated topic of vaccine mandates and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.

How to prevent the next pandemic

"The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over. But even as governments around the world try to get it under control, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent another pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy? Can we even hope to accomplish this? Bill Gates believes the answer is yes, and he has written a largely upbeat book that lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should learn from COVID-19, explains the science of fighting pandemics, and suggests what all of us can do to help prevent another one. Given the worldwide success of How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (which debuted at #1 on the New York Times best seller list), Gates is more respected than ever for his approach to solving the world's biggest challenges"--.

The contagion next time

"It began with a bat. This was the species in which the virus first emerged before infecting humans. A member of the coronavirus family of diseases, the symptoms of the virus included high fever, dry cough, body aches, diarrhea, and pneumonia. It spread primarily through respiratory droplets emitted when an infected person coughed or sneezed. This made it important to minimize person-to-person contact and observe social distancing in public spaces where the virus could be transmitted. Once the world became aware of the disease, it mobilized to stop it. These efforts were successful. Quarantine measures, quickly adopted, substantially slowed the spread of the disease. Within months of the detection of the virus in humans, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak contained. A total of 8,098 people were infected during the outbreak, and 774 died"--.
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