Alagna, Magdalena

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War correspondents

life under fire
Describes the work of a war correspondent, what one does, which skills and personality traits are helpful, and how to prepare for this career.

Billie Holiday

Examines the life and career of Billie Holiday, an African-American singer who rose to fame between the 1930s and 1950s, and discusses her lasting influence on jazz music.

The Monroe Doctrine

an end to European colonies in America
Explores the history of the Monroe Doctrine, which grew from President Monroe's 1823 speech to Congress into a lasting policy on how the United States should behave toward European nations.

The Great Fire of London of 1666

This book recounts the events leading up to the 1666 fire that destroyed most of London, tracing its course and aftermath, as well as the city's recovery.

Anne Frank

young voice of the Holocaust
Chronicles the life of Anne Frank, the teenaged Jewish girl whose diary of her years in hiding from the Nazis with her family in Holland became known the world over after the Second World War; provides historical context on Nazi persecution of the Jews, a time line, a glossary, and lists of related resources.

Everything you need to know about the dangers of cosmetic surgery

Provides information on the negative side effects of cosmetic surgery and discusses how they can be avoided.

Life inside the Merchant Marine Academy

Explores the challenges and rewards of attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy in King's Point, New York, where individuals are trained to become Merchant Marine officers.

Life inside the Air Force Academy

Explores the challenges and rewards of attending the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where individuals are trained to become officers in the United States Air Force.

Everything you need to know about the dangers of binge drinking

Provides information for young people about the dangers of binge drinking, explaining what it is, the risks and consequences involved, the particular vulnerabilities of women who drink too much or who are around men who have had too much to drink, and what to do to prevent binge drinking. Includes a glossary and list of resources.


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