Philip, Claire

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Go go apple

my first recycling book
"What happens to an apple after you've munched it? Find out in this . . . recycling journey!"--OCLC.
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The unicorn and the magical adventure

"Imagine a carousel that was enchanted so the animals on it came to life! That's what happens in this . . . tale of a carousel unicorn who's able to leave the ride it's called home to travel around the world"--Provided by publisher.

The unicorn and the wild horses

"Luna the unicorn is having trouble fitting in with the herd of wild horses she's a part of. They tease her and make her feel left out, and she longs to feel like she belongs. After a visit to a magical place filled with other unicorns, Luna learns that the things that make her feel different actually make her special and can help her herd when they need it most. This story of acceptance and other . . . social-emotional learning concepts is presented through . . . text and . . . illustrations"--Provided by publisher.

The unicorn and the lost cat

"How can a young girl find her lost cat in one night and still be home in time for breakfast? With the help of a friendly unicorn! This . . . tale is told through age-appropriate text that encourages independent reading at a variety of levels"--Provided by publisher.

The unicorn and the brave princess

"Readers will discover a princess who dares to be different--who wants to explore and follow her own path. With the help of a unicorn friend, she takes a journey to rescue a prince--a . . . meaningful reversal of a common fairy-tale story"--Provided by publisher.
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