weight control

Topical Term
weight control


a teenage concern
Discusses the problem of being young and overweight in a society where "thin is in," examining the survival techniques and daily lives of some people of size and possible causes and solutions for obesity.

My cup runneth over

the life of Angelica Cookson Potts
Believing she is too big, fourteen-year-old Angel tries dieting and kick-boxing to lose weight, but thanks to her friends and the school fashion show, she discovers that her size is just right. Includes recipes.

The fat girl

Jeff, a high school senior, becomes obsessed with creating a new, beautiful, person out of an unhappy fat girl, but when she begins to think independently, he loses control of the situation.

Fat camp

At a summer camp for overweight teenagers, high school student Cam Phillips finds support from her cabin mates and love from a fellow camper as she battles her weight and her perceptions of food and exercise.

How I changed my life

Overweight high school senior Bo decides to change her image while working on the school play with a former star football player who is also struggling to find a new identity for himself.

My scrumptious Scottish dumplings

the life of Angelica Cookson Potts
The further adventures of fourteen-year-old Angel Cookson Potts, food-loving cooking enthusiast and worried weight watcher, as she enlists her friends to help her Scottish father prove that London's famous department store, Harrods, is unknowingly selling inferior haggis.'Includes recipes.

Poopsie Pomerantz, pick up your feet

Poopsie's plans for self-improvement include losing enough weight to fit into a medium-sized bathing suit and becoming a prima ballerina.

Stupid Cupid

Tired of her mother urging her to diet, twelve-year-old Maddy finds the motivation to lose weight after meeting a handsome new student.

Fat Glenda's summer romance

Thirteen-year-old Glenda finds her old weight problem returning to haunt her after friendship, romance, and a new job turn sour during a summer that looked so promising in the beginning.

Keeping the moon

Fifteen-year-old Colie, a former fat girl, spends the summer working as a waitress in a beachside restaurant, staying with her overweight and eccentric Aunt Mira, and trying to explore her sense of self.


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