Shatkin, Laurence

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Quick guide to choosing your college major

Offers guidance and tools for selecting a college major, discussing personality types and skills that coincide with different options and including descriptions of sixty-one majors and their related careers.

Choose your college major in a day

Offers guidance and tools for selecting a college major, discussing personality types and skills that coincide with different options and including descriptions of sixty-one majors and their related careers.
Cover image of Choose your college major in a day

50 best college majors for a secure future

Profiles fifty college majors with secure futures, with information on related jobs, earnings, growth, interests, and more.

150 best jobs for your skills

Draws on information from government sources to compile a list of the best jobs in today's economy, describing two hundred occupations that fall into the "best jobs" category as well as information on each job's required skills.

50 best jobs for your personality

Provides an overview of the theory behind using personality types to make career choices, features descriptions of six personality types with an assessment tool, lists the top fifty jobs for each personality type in terms of pay, growth, and opportunity, and includes profiles of jobs.

300 best jobs without a four-year degree

A collection of three hundred jobs for people without a four-year degree.

150 best jobs for a secure future

This new book uncovers the 150 most secure, well-paying jobs in good and bad times. Approximately 175 "best jobs" lists rank secure occupations by pay, growth, and openings, plus by education level, personality type, age, self-employment, and more. Bonus lists reveal jobs highly sensitive to economic downturns and jobs highly vulnerable to offshoring. The detailed job descriptions give useful facts on pay, growth, openings, skills needed, education and training required, career pathways, personality type, work environment, highest-growth fields for each occupation, considerations for job outlook, and much more.

Best jobs for the 21st century

Examines sixty-five appealing jobs in the twenty-first-century market, and features five hundred ranked job descriptions with information on salary, required education, duties, projected growth, related titles, and more.

Quick guide to college majors and careers

Divided into two parts, this book offers quick and easy exercises to help you take a look at yourself and what matters most to you and then gives facts about college majors and careers, listing the 118 college majors alphabetically.

150 best recession-proof jobs

Presents a discussion of jobs that are least influenced by recessions, with seventy-five lists of occupations ranked according to pay, growth, education level, openings, personality type, and other factors, and detailed profiles of various career tracks.


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