Marks, Darcy

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The afterlife of the party

"When an angel comes to his home to deliver a message, Malachi immediately knows what's going on. The seraph Cassandra who helped his squad recapture Samuel Parris's wayward soul has finally set a date for her interdimensional mixer! With fae, angels, and hell dwellers alike on the invite list, it promises to be an event of a lifetime. Mal can't wait to go to the hot new fashion salon in town and have Morgan, its fabulous fae owner, help him create the perfect look. But Mal's parents and even some of his squad mates are not quite as excited for the soiree. And when Mal overhears another fae talking to Morgan, he starts to wonder if there's something at play other than a simple party. But the mixer gives everyone the opportunity to get to know people from different dimensions and form new connections...what could possibly go wrong?"--Provided by the publisher.

Grounded for all eternity

Mal and his friends break out of Hell and find themselves in Salem, Massachusetts, on Halloween night, and in order to return to their dimension, they must capture the escaped soul of one of the architects of the Witch Trials before he permanently upsets the balance of power on Earth.
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