Munsch, Robert N.

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The paper bag princess

When a dragon burns off her clothes with his fiery breath, Elizabeth puts on a paper bag and follows the dragon.

The paper bag princess

When a dragon burns off her clothes with his fiery breath, Elizabeth puts on a paper bag and follows the dragon.

Murmel murmel murmel

Five-year-old Robin finds a baby in her sandbox and sets about finding a home for him.

The paper bag princess


The story of a boy who wouldn't stop singing and go to sleep despite the pleas of his mother, father, 17 brothers and sisters, and even the police.

Something good

The paper bag princess

A princess falls on bad fortunes due to a dragon ravaging her kingdom. The dragon has also kidnapped her prince-fiance and she sets out to rescue him, instead of being the traditional damsel in distress.

Much more Munsch!

a Robert Munsch collection
Contains five stories for children by Canadian author Robert Munsch, with their original illustrations, provides accounts of how the best-selling books were created, and includes interviews with Munsch and illustrators Michael Martchenko and Alan and Lea Daniel, as well as a selection of poems by Munsch.
Cover image of Much more Munsch!

Munsch mania!

a Robert Munsch collection
A collection of six stories by Robert Munsch about the silly things that sometimes happen to families.

Mad about Munsch!

a Robert Munsch collection
An illustrated collection of five stories by Canadian author Robert Munsch, including "Smelly Socks," "More Pies!" "Zoom!" "Boo!" and "The Sandcastle Contest," with accounts of how each book came to be written.


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