darfur (sudan)

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darfur (sudan)

The devil came on horseback

bearing witness to the genocide in Darfur
Former U.S. Marine, Brian Steidle, presents eye-witness accounts to the genocide in Darfur as "Janjaweed" and Sudanese troops attacked Darfurian rebel groups and African civilians, destroyed villages, and indiscriminately murdered men, women, and children.
Cover image of The devil came on horseback

Darfur diaries

stories of survival
A collection of true stories recounting the history, hopes, fears, and resilience of dozens of Darfurians who survived the violence of the 2003 rebellion against the Sudanese government.

An oral and documentary history of the Darfur genocide

Traces the history of genocidal acts that have occurred in Darfur during the early twenty-first century, sharing first-hand accounts from survivors on their lives before, during, and after genocidal events, and providing documents issued by the United States, the United Nations, and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to address whether or not the actions of the Sudanese government constitute genocide.
Cover image of An oral and documentary history of the Darfur genocide

Out of exile

the abducted and displaced people of Sudan
Contains interviews with refugees and abductees from the wars in Darfur and South Sudan in which they tell of their escapes and their lives in camps and other locations around the world.

The Sudan Project

rebuilding with the people of Darfur : a young person's guide
Alphabetically arranged entries--from A to Z--with full-color photographs explain various aspects of The Sudan Project, the Ginghamsburg Church's program to provide aid to Sudanese refugees in disaster areas. Includes discussion questions, a recipe, and additional resources.

Fighting for Darfur

public action and the struggle to stop the genocide
Chronicles the six-year grassroots campaign to bring global attention to the mass atrocity in Darfur, describing how college students, celebrities, politicians, and everyday citizens are trying to stop the killings that are taking place in the region and save its people.

Famine that kills

Darfur, Sudan
The author analyzes the social, economical, and political conflicts in the Sudan, and focuses on the survival of a people who underwent severe famine and disease during the 1980s.


the ambiguous genocide
Examines the political, economic, and cultural factors that led to the 2004 Darfur crisis in Western Sudan, during which Arab Janjaweed militias engaged in a campaign of violence against the residents of Western Sudan.

Darfur diaries

stories of survival
A collection of true stories recounting the history, hopes, fears, and resilience of dozens of Darfurians who survived the violence of the 2003 rebellion against the Sudanese government.

Darfur now

Six stories. One hope
Follows the story of six people who are determined to end the sufferings in Sudan's war-ravaged Darfur. The six - an American activist, an international prosecutor, a Sudanese rebel, a sheikh, a leader of the World Food Program and an internationally known actor - demonstrate the power of how one individual can create extraordinary changes.


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