libraries and students

Topical Term
libraries and students

Liven up your library

design engaging and inclusive programs for tweens and teens
"Developing programs for learners can be an ongoing challenge for librarians - especially first-year librarians. Current books on the topic primarily focus on makerspaces or read alouds, and are aimed at elementary school grades, with a surface-level approach. This book addresses deeper issues that librarians face, while illustrating how to serve teens and tweens specifically by offering programming relevant to their lives. The authors offer practical ideas for developing effective programming through collaborating with the community to develop and implement programs, connecting programs to ISTE Standards and curriculum, and addressing curricular and socio-emotional needs. They also share practical advice on budgeting and funding to support programs, scheduling, maximizing the use of technology to aid in programming and much more. The book also explores ways library programs can have a positive impact on school culture, such as addressing the digital divide, inclusion and cultural relevance"--.

Podcasting with youth

a quick guide for librarians and educators
"Learn how to set up a student-led podcast in your library, involve staff from several subject areas, market effectively, what challenges you are likely to face, and how podcasting will benefit the students and school overall"--Provided by publisher.

Informed transitions

libraries supporting the high school to college transition
Provides ways libraries and librarians can create valuable resources to help students transition to college.
Cover image of Informed transitions

How to use reference materials

Introduces the Dewey Decimal and the Library of Congress classification systems, card and book catalogs, and reference sources. Also discusses using and evaluating materials and taking notes.

Using the library

Introduces students to the different kinds of information that can be found in a library, explains how libraries organize their materials, and discusses OPAC, the Online Public Access Catalog.

Using the library

A guide to basic library skills for children, looking at what types of information can be found in a library, showing how libraries are organized, introducing the Online Public Access Catalog, or OPAC, and describing strategies for using the library.

The impact of school library media centers on academic achievement

An analysis of Colorado schools and the effects of library media programs.

Stimulating student search

library media/classroom teacher techniques
Provides a tool for the library media or classroom teacher who wants to use the library as a teaching tool for research projects.

Library media projects for the gifted

Contains sample activities designed for gifted children including interdisciplinary projects, report writing, curriculum-related ideas, encyclopedia activities, etc.


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