examinations, questions, etc

Topical Term
examinations, questions, etc

Global history and geography

the growth of civilizations

AP computer science A

A study guide for the Advanced Placement computer science A test that includes topic overviews, two full-length practice tests, detailed answer explanations, a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses, and test-taking tips.

Let's review

Presents reviews of world history and geography topics covered on the New York State Regents Exam, and includes an actual exam.

Quizzes for 220 great children's books

the quest motivational reading program
Contains 220 reading comprehension quizzes with answer keys for a variety of children's literature written by such authors as Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, and E.B. White.

More quizzes for great children's books

the quest motivational reading program
Contains reproducible quizzes that may be used to test reading comprehension on 120 popular books for students in grades three through eight, and includes a teacher's guide to setting up a reading program, an answer key, and a catalog of titles.

All about stars

Answers common questions about stars; what they are, why some are brighter than others, etc., through study of the sun. Set in Space Camp, includes NASA footage, animations and hands-on activities.

Math and science prep for the SAT & ACT

Prepares students for the math and science sections of the SAT and ACT, providing more than five hundred practice questions, in-depth topic reviews, and key strategies and techniques to attack the exams.

Master the EMT-basic certification exam

A guide to preparing for the EMT, emergency medical technician basic certification exam, providing general information about life as an EMT, test-taking strategies, a full-length diagnostic test, a coaching program, and a practice test with detailed answer explanations.


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