Stewart, Ian

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In pursuit of the unknown

17 equations that changed the world
A history of mathematical breakthroughs, covering seventeen crucial equations, and including Pythagoras's Theorem, logarithms, and Newton's Law of Gravity.

Does God play dice?

the new mathematics of chaos
Presents an introduction to the chaos theory, and argues that even simple systems that obey precise laws can still act in a chaotic manner.

Significant figures

the lives and work of great mathematicians
Mathematician Ian Stewart delves into the lives of twenty-five pioneering mathematicians, examining the role they played in creating, inventing, and discovering the math we use today.

Mathematics of life

Explores the role mathematics plays in life science from cellular organization to human behavior. Studies mathematical patterns in a variety of living creatures to understand the human genome, viruses, evolution, and organisms in the ecosystem.

The magical maze

seeing the world through mathematical eyes
Approaches mathematics using an assortment of puzzles and problems and the metaphorical structure of a maze.

Letters to a young mathematician

Leading research mathematician Ian Stewart reflects on the things he wishes he had known when he was a student, addressing a wide range of topics related to his field of study, including what mathematics is, why it's worth doing, the link between logic and proof, the role of beauty of mathematics, and many others.

Nature's numbers

the unreal reality of mathematical imagination
Discusses how mathematics can be used to understand nature's patterns as clues to the deep regularities that govern the way the world works.

Visions of infinity

the great mathematical problems
An overview of great mathematical problems and what drives mathematicians to solve them.


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