Nelson, Sarah

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Firefly galaxy

Rhyming text and colorful illustrations follow Sofia and her siblings and parents out into a summer night to wonder at the dazzling fireflies. Includes scientific facts and trivia about fireflies in the backmatter.

I like the wind

Hand-painted illustrations and simple, rhyming text celebrate sensations and adventures brought by the wind. Includes facts about wind.

I like the sun

Color illustrations and simple, rhyming text celebrate sensations and adventures brought by sunshine. Includes facts about the sun.

I like the snow

Hand-painted illustrations and simple, rhyming text celebrate sensations and adventures brought by snow. Includes facts about snow.

I like the rain

Hand-painted illustrations and simple, rhyming text celebrate sensations and adventures brought by rainfall. Includes facts about the rain.

Follow the flyway

the marvel of bird migration
An educational picture book in which lyrical text and impressionistic-style illustrations follow the life cycles of twelve migrating birds, representing the species who use the Mississippi flyway route. Back matter includes additional facts about flyways, migration, and each of the featured birds.


"Sammy and Chocolate (pet dog) live between a marsh and the sea. The two friends wait eagerly until go frogging! They've never caught one yet, but they're sure that tonight is the night! . . . . The book ends with a note from the author about the variety of frog species and their frog-song."--Provided by publisher.
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