Discusses the everyday social, cultural, and political lives of African American migrants in the United States as they establish communities far from their original homes, especially between 1865 through 1965.
A comprehensive study of the immigration of millions of men, women, and children to America between 1870 and 1920 noticing the significant shifts in geographic origins and the daily lives of the people including distribution and settlement patterns.
An historical account of the lives of ordinary people who lived under the rule of Ghengis Khan containing traditional Mongol folktales, the Yasa law system, military campaigns, religion, and the role of women.
Traces Maya civilization from its earliest beginnings to the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century, examining the daily life of the people, and discusses topics such as the civilization's economy, social and political systems, writing and calendar, arts and crafts, and religion.
Reconstructs the daily life of people living in the various stratas of Inca society, discussing social, political, economic, religious, and cultural aspects of the civilization, and addressing the destruction of archaeological sites throughout the world.
Draws from journals, diaries, photographs, poetry, and personal testimonies of Holocaust victims, as well as documents of the Nazi regime, to provide information about the day-to-day lives of Jews and others who were persecuted by the Nazis; and includes accounts from victims of post-Holocaust injustices.
Describes the day-to-day practices and experiences of men, women, and children of all social classes in Stuart England, covering topics such as schooling, family life, material culture, cuisine, and entertainment.
Describes the day-to-day practices and experiences for people of all social classes in fourteenth and fifteenth-century England, and discusses topics such as schooling, family life, material culture, cuisine, and entertainment.
Recreates daily life in Victorian England, from urban slums to the estates of high society, with information on the physical, social, economic, and legal aspects of the era, from 1837 to 1901.
Examines typical activities in the daily lives of pirates, describing food and beverage, weapons and seamanship, hideouts, humor, and other related topics.