Deadly animal hunters

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Polar bears

carnivores of the arctic
"Deep in the Arctic, the polar bear will walk miles for its next meal. . . . Young arctic explorers will learn how this massive land predator survives"--Provided by publisher.

Great horned owls

striking from above
"Roosting in tall branches, the great horned owl owns the night. . . . This book shows readers how this owl lives and hunts for its prey in even the darkest night"--Provided by publisher.


track and attack
"With a well-coordinated attack, a pack of wolves can take down prey twice their size. . . . Through this book, young readers will discover more about these clever hunters and how they work together to take down any prey"--Provided by publisher.

Great white sharks

apex predators
"With the potential to weigh over 2.5 tons, this massive predator lurks in the ocean, waiting for its next meal. . . . Readers will see how the great white hunts in the wild, learning how exactly the great white survives"--Provided by publisher.


ambush killers
"Slamming their jaw shut with a force that can reach over 3,000 pounds per square inch, crocodiles have one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom! . . . Young readers will discover how this massive, semi-aquatic reptile uses its quick and deadly strike to catch even the fastest prey"--Provided by publisher.

Bald eagles

raptors on the hunt
"Throughout North America, the bald eagle stalks unsuspecting prey. With a wingspan that can reach over 6 feet (1.8 m) and giant hooked talons on their feet, bald eagles are deadly hunters that own the skies. Young readers will dive into age-appropriate details and photographs of the bald eagle in its wild habitat, deepening their understanding of how the bald eagle is perfectly adapted to hunt almost anywhere . . . up-close look at what makes the U.S. national bird an expert hunter"--Provided by publisher.
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