Unearthing ancient civilizations

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Ancient Rome revealed

Chronicles the history of ancient Rome, and highlights famous people, events, and innovations that influenced Rome and the rest of the world. Includes color photographs, sidebars, a map, a timeline, a glossary, and additional resources.

Ancient China revealed

Chronicles the history of ancient China, and highlights famous people, events, and innovations that influenced China and the rest of the world. Includes color photographs, sidebars, a map, a timeline, a glossary, and additional resources.

Ancient Greece revealed

A look into Greece describing its history, culture, wars, Olympic Games and more.

Ancient Egypt revealed

A look into Egypt describing its history, culture, mummies, pyramids, pharaohs and more.

Ancient Rome revealed

A look into Rome describing its history, wars, culture, and more.

Ancient China revealed

A look into China describing its dynasties, history, culture, and more.

Ancient Mesopotamia revealed

A look into Mesopotamia, describing its rise and fall of empires, history, culture, and more.
Cover image of Ancient Mesopotamia revealed
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