Gardner, Howard

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Intelligence reframed

multiple intelligences for the 21st century
Reports on the theory of multiple intelligences, looking at how it has evolved and been revised since its introduction in 1983; introduces the possibility of three new intelligences; offers guidance on the educational uses of the theory; and responds to critics of the theory.
Cover image of Intelligence reframed

Multiple intelligences

the theory in practice
Provides an overview of MI theory and examines its implications for assessment and teaching from preschool to college admissions.
Cover image of Multiple intelligences

Frames of mind

the theory of multiple intelligences
Explores the development of the theory of multiple intelligences over the last decade.

Good work

when excellence and ethics meet

The disciplined mind

what all students should understand
Discusses the need for educational reform, focusing on the content of an education and how it should be presented, mastered, put to use, and passed along; and uses the three examples of the theory of evolution, the music of Mozart, and the Holocaust to explore the author's call for an educational system that pursues truth, beauty, and morality.

To open minds

Chinese clues to the dilemma of contemporary education

The disciplined mind

beyond facts and standardized tests, the K-12 education that every child deserves
The originator of multiple intelligences theory defines a complete K-12 education as one that enhances the understanding of truth, beauty, and morality and suggests that it be taught through the theory of evolution, the music of Mozart, and the lessons of the Holocaust.

The unschooled mind

how children think and how schools should teach
Author merges cognitive science with the educational agenda, showing how ill-suited our minds and natural patterns of learning are to current educational practices.

Intelligence reframed

multiple intelligences for the 21st century
Reports on the theory of multiple intelligences, looking at how it has evolved and been revised since its introduction in 1983; introduces the possibility of three new intelligences; offers guidance on the educational uses of the theory; and responds to critics of the theory.


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