Introduces the lives of Andrei Sakharov and his wife, Elena Bonner, against a background of Russian history, especially since the 1917 Revolution. Discusses how Dr. Sakharov's and his wife's outspoken ideas and activities ran afoul of the authorities and the punishments they have endured for upholding the cause of human rights.
Traces the history of Russia through a collection of nearly thirty primary and secondary sources, looking at ancient Russia through the Mongol invasion, czarist Russia, revolutionary times, the Soviet Union, and modern challenges.
"Horizon caravel book." A history of the Russian Revolution from its origin in the 19th century to the death of Lenin. Lavish use is made of contemporary drawings and photographs.
Fifteen-year-old Derek, son of the recently deceased American ambassador to the Soviet Union, decides to smuggle a Russian dissident's daughter out of Moscow and achieves a greater understanding of himself, his principles, and his deep-seated feelings for his father.