Presents the adventures of the Barbarossa brothers and other pirates of the Mediterranean. Includes tales of dangerous raids and scoundrels highlighted by illustrations and photos.
Presents a diet plan based on the eating habits of those living in the Mediterranean, with recipes, nutrition tips, and information on proper portions and nutrition requirements.
Diekman counsels you on how eating a diet direct from the Mediterranean-- as well as getting plenty of exercise-- will have you dropping a size (or two!) in no time!.
Illustrations and text combine to examine the lives, achievements, and struggles of the Byzantines; covering a period that begins with the establishment of the capital city of Constantinople in A.D. 330, and continuing through its fall to the Turks in 1453.
Contains accounts of World War II in North Africa and the Mediterranean, in graphic novel format, including how a New Zealand infantryman fought against German Paratroopers, and how a Canadian commander led troops in Italy.
Traces the dramatic history of the Roman Empire, paying particular attention to its rise and fall and its lasting social, cultural, military, and political influence.