tiananmen square incident, beijing (china), 1989

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tiananmen square incident, beijing (china), 1989

Min and the protests

a Tiananmen Square survival story
In June 1989, thirteen-year-old Min and her activist parents attend a peaceful protest in Tiananmen Square, but their lives turn upside down when the military shows up bringing chaos and violence.
Cover image of Min and the protests

Throwaway daughter

Grace Parker, abandoned as an infant at a Chinese orphanage and adopted by a Canadian family, has rejected her Chinese heritage, until reports of the massacre of student protesters in Tiananmen Square prompt her to begin a search for her birth parents.

Chenxi and the foreigner

Anna leaves Australia to study traditional Chinese painting in Shanghai and falls in love with her student guide Chenxi, but trouble ensues when she unwittingly draws the attention of officials to Chenxi and his radical artist friends.

The Tiananmen Square massacre

Describes the events of the Tiananmen Square massacre of June 1989, and covers economic reform in China, the beginnings of a pro-democracy movement, and how the Chinese government dealt with the aftermath of the massacre.

The People's Republic of amnesia

Tiananmen revisited
Provides an insider's account of the student protests in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, and the Chinese government's refusal to officially acknowledge the event in order to protect the state's carefully constructed edifice of accepted history kept aloft by strict censorship, blatant falsehood, and willful forgetting.

Democracy crushed

Tiananmen Square
Examines the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989, discussing the events that led to it, the actions of the students and the Chinese government, and its aftermath.


a novel of Tiananmen
Growing up during China's Cultural Revolution, Lili endures the oppression and humiliation of the era when her parents are branded as intellectuals, and experiences a growing resentment that comes to fruition in 1989 in Tiananmen Square.

Almost a revolution

An account of growing up in China, describing political restraints and political demonstrations starting in the mid-1980s.

The Tiananmen papers

A collection of internal government and Communist Party documents that tell the story of the 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in China's Tiananmen Square in the words of the leaders who made the decision to send in troops to crushthe movement.

Chinese democracy and the crisis of 1989

Chinese and American reflections
A collection of essays from Chinese and American scholars focusing on the 1989 demonstrations for democratic reform in China, and their significance in connection with the country's political history.


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