Avatar, the last airbender / Hicks, Faith Erin

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the last airbender
When Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph are ambushed by the Fire Nation, Katara becomes separated from the rest of the group. She manages to join the crew of a pirate ship as they prepare to sail downriver with a questionable cargo. Katara will have to explore her tougher side if she ever wants to meet up with her friends and brother again.

Avatar, the last airbender

Aang must decide if he should take away Liling's bender abilities after Ru and Yaling free her from imprisonment. Later, Ru and Yaling regret freeing their mother and Aang must try to stop her from destroying the village inhabitants.

Avatar, the last airbender

Team Avatar must work together to stop a simmering conflict between benders and non-benders so that their world is not thrust into a war no one wants. While trying to stop the conflict, Aang finds that he must make a choice that can never be unmade.

Avatar, the last airbender

Team Avatar returns to Toph's father's factor to find that the town has substantially grown. And they find themselves in the heart of a conflict that threatens to tear the community apart.

Avatar, the last airbender

"When Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph return to Earthen Fire Industries-the factory owned by Toph's father-Aang is surprised when their arrival is met with a cold shoulder. As soon as the team is asked for help at a business council meeting, the reason for the slight becomes clear: a massive bender-versus-non-bender conflict has gripped the town and is threatening to turn violent. In order to heal the divide and save the town, Aang and the team will all face tough decisions about power and identity that could tear them apart". -- Publisher annotation.
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