Hechos para sobrevivir

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de dientes, grandes, cazadores feroces
"Rows of razor-sharp teeth, strong, stiff fins, and the ability to smell a single drop of blood in a million drops of ocean water-sharks are built to survive! Dynamic photos and simple text make this book a great high-interest read and a useful resource for report writing"--Provided by publisher.

Aves de rapi?a

"Powerful eyesight, massive talons, and sharp, hooked beaks-birds of prey are built to survive! Close-up photos of these serious predators will grab readers' attention as they learn how these birds hunt their prey."--Provided by publisher.

?Auch! serpientes que muerden

"A tongue that can smell prey and sharp fangs that deliver deadly venom-some snakes are built to survive! Young readers will be fascinated to read about these deadly predators."--Provided by publisher.

Armas de dinosaurios

"Claws that slash, teeth that tear, and tail clubs that crush-dinosaurs were once the terror of the planet! Check out the dramatic illustrations of dinosaurs and the "weapons" on these ancient giants! Their weapons were adaptations that helped them hunt and defend themselves."--Provided by publisher.
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