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Doodle Dog

Doodle Dog, a talented artist, comes to the rescue of his less artistic friends.
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Snow trucking!

On a snow day, all the trucks go out to play and clear the snow from the streets of Trucktown.
Cover image of Snow trucking!

Fall leaf project

Mrs. Connor's first grade class decides to send colorful fall leaves to studensts in another state where the leaves do not change color.

Fall leaf project

Mrs. Connor's first grade class decides to send colorful fall leaves to studensts in another state where the leaves do not change color.

The Vampire Bunny

Though scoffed at by Harold the dog, Chaster the cat tries to warn his human family that theier foundling baby bunny must be a vampire.

Batman is fast!

Now very new readers can reach for the stars with Batman.
Cover image of Batman is fast!

Pete can fly!

"Teddy the T-Rex is jealous that his best friend Pete the Pterodactyl can fly. But when a friend Tina the Tricertaops reminds Teddy of all the great things a T-Rex can do, Teddy ends up feeling much better about himself"--.
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Mitchell is moving

A dinosaur's exuberance about moving cools considerably when he realizes how much he misses his next-door friend.
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Heroes of Gotham City

Batman, The Flash, Green Arrow, Nightwing, and Red Robin work together after dark to fight crime in Gotham City.


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