12 Hacks to improve your life

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12 hacks to beat bullying

Bullying has always been a problem, but in an increasingly online social environment, the ways and places kids can be bullied have grown exponentially. When facing a bully, kids need to be prepared. This book offers brief, actionable, and age-appropriate tips on how to deal with bullying in person and online. With discussions of body language, positive thinking, and safety, the main text aims to develop readers' ability to think through problems as they occur by offering examples of how to deal with common bullying situations. The result is an important addition to any library.

12 hacks to worry less

"This title speaks right to the main worries elementary readers may have, from being the new kid in school to dealing with puberty, and gives actionable ways to deal with them"--Provided by publisher.

12 hacks to happiness

Everyone deserves to be happy! That doesn't mean it's always easy to achieve though. This volume provides readers with actual steps they can take to boost their general feel of wellbeing. Sleeping, eating well, and exercising are tried and true ways to feel happier readers might underestimate. Other tips include taking time off digital devices, getting outside, and talking to friends and family. The main content is written especially for elementary readers and not only gives broad hacks to happiness, but also how to execute those hacks in an age-appropriate way.

12 hacks to boost self-esteem

"Self-esteem" can feel like a buzzword to kids, but they may not understand what it means. Self-esteem is how a person feels about themself. Sometimes, that's good-and sometimes it's not. Self-esteem is constantly under fire in young readers, and this book helps with that. Tips include valuing yourself and people for more than their looks, adopting a growth mindset, and speaking up when you want or need to express a feeling or idea. Each tip is geared for elementary readers and includes actionable changes and age-appropriate examples.
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