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Barcos y faros encantados

"Just about any place in the world can be haunted. Ships and lighthouses are places men and women of the sea spent years of their lives. See why it seems some aren't ready to leave . . . even after death"--Provided by publisher.

Hoteles encantados

"Every state or country has a haunted history. Hotels are where travelers check in for a relaxing vacation. Unfortunately, some of the ghostly guests from long ago never bothered to check out! For now, the hotels in this book are still open for business, haunted or not!"--Provided by publisher.

Prisiones encantadas

"Many believe ghosts can haunt any sort of location imaginable. Prisons and jails are where criminals are sent as punishment. See why some prisoners might be sentenced for life . . . and the afterlife!"--Provided by publisher.

Hospitales y asilos encantados

"There are places around the world where ghosts are believed to dwell. Hospitals and asylums are where patients go to get better. See why, sadly, some patients never leave alive . . . or dead"--Provided by publisher.

Cementerios y templos encantados

"There are haunted locations all over the world. Places where spirits cling to the real world for eternity. See why graveyards and temples, which celebrate the dead, can make some of them haunted hot spots!"--Provided by publisher.
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