Mitsuboshi, Tama

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Call the name of the night

Mira meets Cappy, Rei's fluffy stuffed goat friend and becomes entranced by his stories of mysterious objects.

Call the name of the night

"When Mira learned about Rei's new patient, she really hoped they could be friends... However, Alde is nothing short of hostile when they first meet. But maybe the girl who calls the night and the girl who can't set foot in the sunshine can find some common ground..."--Back cover.
Cover image of Call the name of the night

Call the name of the night

"Anxious about taking a single step off the property, Mira is crestfallen to learn that her favorite author will be signing books nearby. Can a goat-in-fluffy-costume escort help make her dream come true?!"--Back cover.
Cover image of Call the name of the night
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