act assessment

Topical Term
act assessment

Peterson's ACT prep guide

the ultimate guide to mastering the ACT
A guide to preparing for the ACT college entrance exam, featuring overviews, pretests, and practice questions.

Up your score ACT

the underground guide to outsmarting the ACT
A guide to studying for the ACT Assessment.

Peterson's ACT prep guide

the ultimate guide to mastering the ACT, 2017
A guide to preparing for the ACT college entrance exam, featuring overviews, pretests, and practice questions.

Math and science prep for the SAT & ACT

Prepares students for the math and science sections of the SAT and ACT, providing more than five hundred practice questions, in-depth topic reviews, and key strategies and techniques to attack the exams.

ACT 2016

A multi-platform product combining study and practice across print, online, and mobile platforms to give you the greatest chance possible for acing the ACT.

The real ACT prep guide

the only official prep guide from the makers of the ACT
A guide to preparing for the ACT offers advice on test-taking, information on the new optional Writing Test, and five practice ACTs previously used in actual test administrations.

Pass key to the ACT

Presents two full-length ACT practice tests with all questions answered and explained.


A preparation guide for the ACT that includes a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses, topic overviews, test-taking strategies, and four full-length practice exams with answers and explanations.

The official ACT prep guide, 2016-2017

Provides study tools for preparing to take the ACT test, including three actual ACT tests with the optional writing tests and full explanations of each answer, as well as ideas for boosting your scores on the individual tests and detailed information on the enhanced optional writing test.

Cracking the ACT

A guide to preparing for the ACT college placement exam, featuring reviews of English, math, reading, science, and writing, providing test-taking tips and hints, and including access to full-length practice tests.


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