Lanier, Jaron

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Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now

Provides 10 reasons for someone to delete all social media accounts in order to reconnect with the world.

Ten arguments for deleting your social media accounts right now

Provides 10 reasons for someone to delete all social media accounts in order to reconnect with the world.

Who owns the future?

Evaluates the negative impact of digital network technologies on the economy and particularly the middle class, citing challenges to employment and personal wealth while exploring the potential of a new information economy.

You are not a gadget

a manifesto
A computer-age visionary argues that the Internet has failed to live up to its early promises, sharing cautionary perspectives on the Web 2.0 design concept while optimistically evaluating the Internet as a positive cultural vehicle.

You are not a gadget

a manifesto
Examines the cultural and technical problems that are a result of poorly planned digital designs and argues the technological and Internet advances are allowing the wisdom of computers and large groups to become more powerful than individual judgment and intelligence.
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