cognitive learning

Topical Term
cognitive learning

Explicit instruction

effective and efficient teaching
Provides tools and advice for educators to use explicit instruction for efficient classroom teaching, explaining how to identify and design effective lessons around key concepts, and including samples of lesson plans, reproducible checklists, and teacher worksheets.

Seven windows to a child's world

100 ideas for the multiple intelligences classroom

The unschooled mind

how children think and how schools should teach
Author merges cognitive science with the educational agenda, showing how ill-suited our minds and natural patterns of learning are to current educational practices.

Reciprocal teaching at work

powerful strategies and lessons for improving reading comprehension
A practical resource guide for the kindergarten through twelfth-grade reading classroom that includes lessons, reproducibles, posters, ideas for differentiating instruction, and tips for using reciprocal teaching as a Response to Intervention.

Side by side

essays on teaching to learn

Developing academic thinking skills in grades 6-12

a handbook of multiple intelligence activities
Presents a comprehensive manual for the sixth through twelfth-grade classroom that helps students develop critical thinking skills, and contains language activities on problem solving, identifying cause and effect, comparing and classifying, evaluating, and more.

Brain-based teaching for all subjects

patterns to promote learning
The author describes brain-based, visual teaching strategies that have worked in her long career as an educator, and explains the science behind those techniques.

Art and cognition

integrating the visual arts in the curriculum
Discusses the importance of the visual arts to the overall development of the mind, looks at some of the problems inhibiting art education, and considers the ways in which the development of artistic interests and ability contribute to cognition and learning and the construction of cultural meaning.


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