Yorinks, Arthur

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One mean ant with fly and flea and moth

"Well, here they are again. The ant, the fly, and the flea. Stuck doing tricks for the circus-goers every night and twice on Sundays. Stuck like a . . . well, you know. But with the help of Moth, a fellow performer with a pretty spectacular trick, the trio plan their escape. But will it work?" --Jacket flap.

One mean ant with Fly and Flea

Ant and Fly are back! And this time they're joined by Flea, newly escaped from the flea circus. The ant doesn't think highly of the flea until the flea gets them out of a sticky situation.

One mean ant

"Was there ever an ant as mean as this mean ant? I don't think so. He's so mean, grapes shrivel when he looks at them! He's that mean. But when this mean ant finds himself lost in the desert and meets a fly ... well, nothing is the same again"--Dust jacket.


Oy, the local scientist shows the world his latest invention: The Wheel. Though the world is not impressed, Ugh's mind spins. Cleverly, he builds on what he's seen and in the end rides off to a new and happy life.

Hey, Al

Hey, Al

Al, a janitor, and his faithful dog, Eddie live in a tiney home that is cramped and crowded, until a large and mysterious bird offers them a change of fortune.

Presto & Zesto in Limboland

"Tells the story of two friends, Presto and Zesto, and how they find hemselves lost in the magical, mysterious place called Limboland"--Publisher.
Cover image of Presto & Zesto in Limboland

Hey, Al

A city janitor and his treasured canine companion are transported by a large colorful bird to an island in the sky, where their comfortable paradise existence threatens to turn them into birds as well.

Hey, Al

Making scents

Mickey isn't like his brothers and sisters. They're all stronger, faster, and have a much better sense of smell. That's because his "brothers and sisters?" are dogs---bloodhounds, to be exact.


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