
style secrets for girls

Students explore the world of accessories as they learn about fashions from the past and trends for the future. Step-by-step DIY projects include making necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bows, and scarves. Students will accessorize in style and learn how to make each accessory work together to form the perfect outfits. RI: Multiple POV; peer insights, sources, mulitple reading levels, labelled diagrams step-by-step activites, bolded text works, Chapter summaries, graphic - text ties, etc. RF: Boxed information, text structures mimicking magazine and advice columns, Did You Know? boxes, RW: Fact summaries, and "for the reader" supportive audience specific writing, Multiple POV, Inquiry, "experience driven" writing, Q&A format,SL Did you Know, Expositional self reflection opportunities, critical thinking activities, L Scaled text complexity,.

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