Endangered species

Volume 2, arachnids, birds, crustaceans, insects, and mollusks

Includes Bee Creek Cave harvestman, no-eyed big-eyed wolf spider, Tooth Cave spider, short-tailed albatross, yellow-shouldered blackbird, Abbott's booby, California condor, Siberian crane, whooping crane, Hawaiian crow, Eskimo curlew, Laysan duck, bald eagle, Philippine eagle, Chinese egret, American peregrine falcon, Laysan finch, Andean flamingo, Hawaiian goose, Puna grebe, purple-winged ground-dove, Audouin's gull, Galapagos hawk, Hawaiian hawk, crested honeycreeper, northern bald ibis, kakapo, Mauritius kestrel, black-cheeked lovebird, Lear's macaw, Seychelles magpie-robin, marbled murrelet, northern spotted owl, golden parakeet, imperial parrot, Dalmatian pelican, yellow-eyed penguin, cheer pheasant, piping plover, resplendent questzal, Lord Howe wood rail, Rothchild's starling, shite-breasted thrasher, black-capped vireo, Cape vulture, Kirtland's warbler, ivory-billed woodpecker, red-cockaded woodpecker, Hell Creek Cave crayfish, Nashville crayfish, Madison Cave isopod, California freshwater shrimp, Kentucky Cave shrimp, Australian ant, American burying beetle, bay checkerspot butterfly, Corsican swallowtail butterfly, Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly, Hine's emerald dragonfly, Saint Helena giant earwig, pygmy hog sucking pig, wetapunga, queen conch, fanshell, dwarf wedge mussel, ring pink mussel, little-wing pearlymussel, Iowa Pleistocene snail, Manus Island tree snail, James River spinymussel, and stirrupshell.



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