Contents: What is the relationship between religion and extremist acts? - Terrorism is an inherent aspect of Islamic extremism - Terrorism is not an inherent aspect of Islamic extremism - Terrorism is practiced by non-Muslims - The Christian Right is extremist - The Christian Right is not extremist - What motivates Islamic extremists? - Islamic extremists are motivated by moral disgust - Islamic extremists are motivated by social and psychological needs - Islamic jihad requires killing the enemy - Suicide bombers are motivated by social rather than religious injustice - How can extremism be countered? - Extremists can be persuaded to change - Extremists cannot be persuaded to change - Fundamentalist Islamic schools teach extremism - Islamic schools can counter extremism - How is extremism apparent in the United States? - Extremist animal rights activists are terrorists - Extremist animal rights activists are not terrorists - Extremist pro-life groups are responsible for the murder of George Tiller - Extremist pro-life groups are not responsible for the murder of George Tiller - Pro-life extremists are characterized by a fanatical commitment.