School House Rock

America Rock

Join Schoolhouse Rocky as he takes you and your friends down to the Conjuction Junction Diner, where the special of the day is America Rock. Learning about American History and Government is easy when you sing along with Schoolhouse Rock. Rocky serves up your favorite America Rock videos from the jukebox, including: No More Kings - the founding of America; Fireworks - the Declaration of Independence; The Shot Heard 'Round the World - the start of the revolution; The Preamble - the constitution; Elbow Room - the pioneers opening the west; The Great American Melting Pot - the ethnic diversity of America; Mother Necessity - great American inventors; Sufferin' Till Suffrage - women's right to vote; I'm Just a Bill - how a bill becomes a law; Three-Ring Government - the Judicial, Legislative and Executive Branches.

Scholastic Rock


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