Rally car racing

tearing it up

Have you seen a rally car race before? The vehicles may look like cars you see on the street, but rally cars have been modified for incredible endurance, strength, and speed. They race on courses made of dirt, sand, and even ice! Rallying brings together the best car manufacturers, drivers, and mechanics to put their cars to the test. 
Enter the Dirt and Destruction Sports Zone to learn about the history, courses, competition rules, and the celebrity drivers connected to rally car racing. You'll learn: 
- Who the most successful rally car racer in history is. 
- How a rally car is built to last through a tough 1,000-mile (1,609-kilometer) race. 
- What equipment and rules ensure the safety of the racers and fans. 
- Why rally car races are the ultimate test of a driver's skill and stamina. 
Are you into sports? Then get in the zone! Full-Color Photographs, Further Reading, Glossary, Index, Sidebars, Safety Tips, Table of Contents, Websites.

Lerner Publishing Group


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