Code talker

His name wasn't Chester Nez. That was the English name he was assigned in kindergarten. And in boarding school at Fort Defiance, he was punished for speaking his native language, as the teachers sought to rid him of his culture and traditions. But discrimination didn't stop Chester from answering the call to defend his country after Pearl Harbor, for the Navajo have always been warriors, and his upbringing on a New Mexico reservation gave him the strength--both physical and mental--to excel as a Marine. During World War II, the Japanese had managed to crack every code the United States used. But when the Marines turned to its Navajo recruits to develop and implement a secret military language, they created the only unbroken code in modern warfare--and helped assure victory for the United States over Japan in the South Pacific.

Turnaround [distributor]


4313939309332252482959275327AVOH99AVOH900043940.54 NEZ940.5415754856551709567815
14941740215512273482959275327NOTH355NOTH1117992 Nez9215754856551709567815
143454950726562426482959275327VCJ433VCJ00217002B NEZ92015814652241736800991
143455050726562426482959275327VCJ433VCJ00217051B NEZ92015814652241736800991
369595770198772267482959275327LETH282LETH02591792 NEZ9216845241151709567815
369750770212492269482959275327LIVH286LIVH010281B Nez92016845241151709567815
369750870212492269482959275327LIVH286LIVH010282B Nez92016845241151709567815