Cy Young

an American baseball hero

"Cy Young was one of the hardest-throwing pitchers of all time. He recorded three no-hitters--including a perfect game--and accumulated more than 2,800 strikeouts on his way to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Scott H. Longert uses Young's life story to introduce middle-grade readers to the game, explaining balls, strikes, and outs in an easy-to-understand way. Longert narrates each season and each milestone game with an enthusiastic play-by-play that is sure to draw readers into the excitement on the field and in the crowd, fostering a better understanding of and a passion for baseball. Baseball fans today know Cy Young's name chiefly through the award given in his honor each year to the best pitcher in the National and the American Leagues. Denton True 'Cyclone' Young won more than five hundred games over a career that spanned four decades, a record that no other major league pitcher has come close to matching. In addition to being the winningest pitcher in baseball history, he was also a kind, self-effacing, and generous man. Born into a farm family in rural Ohio, he never lost touch with the small-town values he grew up with"--Provided by the publisher.



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