Limitless sky

No Man's Sky unofficial discovery guide

"A game of survival, exploration, and discovery, No Man's Sky is one of the fastest-growing phenomena in video game history, attracting and astounding players of all ages. The game's 18 quintillion planets are procedurally generated, meaning you could very well be the first person to ever set eyes on a planet that even the game developers never encountered -- a true testament to the game's innovation. The very first unofficial guide, Limitless Sky: No Man's Sky Unofficial Discovery Guide will provide not only an introduction to the hottest video game, but it'll also teach you how to get more out of your valuable playtime -- exploring vast areas, fighting pirates, upgrading your ship or spacesuit, avoiding Sentinels, and identifying new species and resources. This full-color book shares strategies, examines the creation of the impressive procedurally generated planets, and provides a glimpse at what's to come in this ever-expanding universe"-- Page 4 of cover.

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Cover image of Limitless sky


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